Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One In Three Americans Would Fail the U.S. Citizenship Test!

Immigrants who want to become U.S. citizens need to pass a civics test asking detailed questions about our government and history. 39 out of 40 immigrants get at least six questions right on the 10-question test, which is a passing score. People born in America become citizens without taking a test. Which is good because one in three natural-born Americans FAILED the test in a survey by Xavier University.

Here are some of the questions that gave Americans the most trouble:

#1.) How many amendments does the Constitution have? Only 7% of Americans knew the right answer . . . which is 27.
#2.) The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name ONE of the writers: Only 8% could name Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, or John Jay.
#3.) When was the Constitution written? 9% got it right. It was 1787.
#4.) What is the rule of law? It means that leaders have to follow laws instead of doing whatever they want, like a dictator. 15% of people knew that.
#5.) The House of Representatives has how many voting members? There are 435, but only 16% of people knew that. PR Newswire

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