Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kimberly Perry Wore the Same Dress to the "AMAs" that Emma Stone Wore to the "MTV Movie Awards".

Normally, I couldn't care less if two stars get photographed wearing the same dress, or skirt, or sensible pantsuit. But I'm feeling a need to speak up because, in this case, "Us Weekly" totally set up KIMBERLY PERRY to look bad.
Here's what happened: The dress that Kimberly wore to Sunday's "American Music Awards" is pretty much the same one EMMA STONE wore five months earlier to the "MTV Movie Awards". Whatever, right? But "Us Weekly" decided to run a side-by-side comparison asking people to vote for "Who Wore It Best?" Emma won by a landslide, but I'm calling HUGE FOUL because the photo made Kimberly look four feet tall. (--Here's the comparison.)
So, because I believe she was wronged, my lead in photo is a much more flattering photo of Kimberly Perry. Gotta sick up for my "Country Peeps"!

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